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Saving My Diet, Tuesday Diet Log

Ok, so after the weekend diet debacle I had to re-focus. Monday was a pretty good day, but to be honest I don't exactly remember what I ate, so I'll start with everything I ate today.

Meal 1: Protein shake (protein powder mixed in crystal light)
About 1/4 cup of pistachios
Meal 2: Chicken Salad (Shredded chicken breast over European blend lettuce mix)
Meal 3: Chicken with mixed raw vegetables (broccoli, celery, cucumber and a tomato) and a handful of strawberries
Meal 4: Protein shake (protein powder and crystal light)
Handful of strawberries and a few nuts
Meal 5: At the time of writing this I haven't actually had this, but it will be celery sticks and peanut butter.

After Monday and today I really feel I'm back on track and I also feel the momentum building again. Tomorrow I will write about something I'm gonna add to my diet that is a known metabolism enhancer, so make sure to check in.

Coach Rollie - 100% Steroid Free Fitness Coach

Specializing in Effective and Efficient Fat Loss
Private/Personal Fitness Training in Pasadena, California
E-mail Any Questions

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