Search Fat X 101

Diet Fixing

When I take on a new client  I'll have them keep a food and diet log for a week.  After that, I'll look over it and make small suggestions. I find using this method more successful than a complete overhaul because it let's the client continue to eat as they normally would, with the exception of a few small changes.  Usually those changes are in the direction of getting their vegetable and protein intake closer to the Fat X diet percentages.  Here's an example of a day in a recent clients diet food log and the  suggestions I made.

Original Diet and Food Log

Breakfast Suggestions

Breakfast sandwich 

(egg, bacon, ham) More egg whites, less whole 

Coffee lose the bacon, more ham

sugar substitute in coffee


Left over spaghetti  less pasta, add vegetables and a

Coke protein source


Steak Use lean cuts, add vegetables

Potatoes skip the bread or reduce amount

Garlic bread with butter

Evening Snack

Cookies and milk non fat milk, ritz crackers 

natural  peanut butter

As you can see, the suggestions can easily be implemented and add nutrition while lowering excess calories.  

The added nutrition via vegetables will also improve energy levels and raise the overall fiber content in the diet.  

Another thing to note is that the volume of food is still about the same, meaning there isn't less food, just better healthier food which will avoid the dreaded metabolism killer "starvation mode" and the urge to binge.

Try doing this with your diet and good luck with your weight loss New Years resolution.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.  I want to help you succeed, because when you succeed, I succeed as a fitness coach. 

Home Gym Recommendations 
(Amazon Affiliate Links)

Bench Fitness Station 
Exercise Mat 
**My Not Necessary But Very Cool Gorilla Kettlebell

Intermediate to Advanced Level Gym
Barbell Bar and Weight Set

Diet Supplements 
Protein Powder
Green Superfood Powder 

Coach Rollie - 100% Steroid Free Fitness Coach

Specializing in Effective and Efficient Fat Loss
Private/Personal Fitness Training in Pasadena, California
E-mail Any Questions

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