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My Diet Today

Every once in a while I post my diet for the day so as to help those that are having trouble planning their diet and meal plans.  Here is what I've eaten so far and also what I plan to eat the rest of the day.  Hope this helps in planning out your diet.

Meal 1:  Breakfast tacos.  I made them using  4 egg whites, 2 whole eggs and a 3 corn tortillas.  I had a cup of coffee and half a banana while I was making the tacos.

Meal 2:  Chicken breast sandwich.  I broiled a chicken breast, sliced it up and used 2 slices of whole wheat bread.  I added a bit of tomato and some avocado.

Meal 3:  Mixed nuts.  I just had about a handful of mixed nuts.  Walnuts, almonds and peanuts.

Meal 4:  Protein Smoothie.  This was post workout and consisted of protein powder, frozen strawberries and some gatorade.

Meal 5:  Chicken, some steak and mixed vegetables.  As of writing this I have not had this meal yet but the plan is broil another chicken breast, some steak, chop it all up and mix it in with a bowl of vegetables.

I'll be going out tonight and enjoying a couple of drinks.  When I get home I'll have some water, mixed nuts and call it a day.  Hope this helps and good luck with your diet.

Coach Rollie - 100% Steroid Free Fitness Coach

Specializing in Effective and Efficient Fat Loss
Private/Personal Fitness Training in Pasadena, California
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