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Fat Burning, Weight Loss, Diet and Fitness Q&A of the Week-Breakfast

Every week I answer a question or questions that are sent in to me regarding fat burning, weight loss, diet, fitness and or the Fat X program. Today's question was about breakfast on the Fat X diet.

Hi Coach,

I've been using your program for a week now. I've lost three pounds and have just finished workout 4. My only problem is breakfast. Can you give me some ideas on breakfast so that I can continue following the diet. Thanks for your time.


Breakfast is probably the most difficult on the Fat X diet. I would suggest using some of your splurge allowance so that you can enjoy your breakfast and get your day started off well. Here is a list of things I usually have for breakfast. Hopefully it will help you out.

Protein Smoothie: protein powder and frozen strawberries mixed in with crystal light or gatorade.

Eggs and Toast: 2-3 whole eggs, 2-3 egg whites and 1-2 slices of whole grain toast or tortillas

Yogurt: I'll use a plain yogurt, mix in some protein powder, chop up some nuts and mix it all together

Omelette: 2-3 eggs, chopped up bell peppers, tomatoes, and I'll add some cheese. I'll have it with some fruit.

Hope this helps, and good luck completing the the Fat X program. You're on the right track and I'm sure you'll do well.

Coach Rollie - 100% Steroid Free Fitness Coach

Specializing in Effective and Efficient Fat Loss
Private/Personal Fitness Training in Pasadena, California
E-mail Any Questions

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