Search Fat X 101

Tips and Tricks For FX Workouts 1-3

As I wrote earlier this week, I've started another tour of duty with the Fat X Program.  The goal is to burn some fat I've accumulated in recent weeks,  lose an inch or so around my belly and get Spring fit.

I'm on day 3 of the Fat X fat burning program and I completed workout 3 this evening. I wanted to share some tips and tricks through the first three days.

Diet wise, I've been finishing each day with a protein drink and a couple of fish oil capsules.  I've also been concentrating on pre-preparing the following day's meals.  And of course, I  drink plenty of water, get in plenty of protein and eat my vegetables per the Fat X diet.

Workout wise, I've been concentrating on using the heaviest weight possible for each of the exercises.  On day 1, I used a barbell for the deadlifts and packed on 185 lbs.  Of course for beginners that would be heavy, but for advanced athletes that's a good weight.  I wanted to mention this because some people I've talked to go a bit too light with the weight and don't get the most out of the exercises and workout program.  In the videos I used really light weights just for demonstration purposes.  If you're a beginner you're going to have to experiment a bit.

On to day 4 tomorrow and more fat burning, muscle toning, and Spring body gettin'

Coach Rollie - 100% Steroid Free Fitness Coach

Specializing in Effective and Efficient Fat Loss
Private/Personal Fitness Training in Pasadena, California
E-mail Any Questions

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