Search Fat X 101

Summer Body Checklist Tips and Tricks

Whether you're doing the FX 12 program or not, here is a checklist that will get you on track to burning the fat, losing the weight and getting in shape for Summer.  If you can answer yes to these questions, then that belly fat will be well on it's way to disappearing. If you're answering no, then take them as 10 tips and tricks to get your body ready for Summer.

Are you lifting weights/ doing resistance training?

Are you using the heaviest weight possible in your exercises?

Are you eating vegetables every day?

Are you eating berries every day?

Are you consuming good fat (EFA's) from nuts and or fish every day?

Are you taking in your lean body weight's amount of protein in grams?

Are you consuming green tea in some form?

Answering yes to these question will get you on track to getting your fit and toned Summer body.  If you're answering yes, plus doing the FX 12 program then you're on the fast track to losing the belly fat, getting fit and toned for the Summer.  Good luck and don't wait until Summer to start getting Summer body ready.

Coach Rollie - 100% Steroid Free Fitness Coach

Specializing in Effective and Efficient Fat Loss
Private/Personal Fitness Training in Pasadena, California
E-mail Any Questions

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