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Burning Fat and Losing Weight With Fat X

My sister, like most people, stores most of her fat in her belly area.  After having a baby a year ago, she was having a lot of trouble losing the unwanted body fat.  If you've been following Fat X 101, you know I started her on the Fat X Program a couple of weeks ago.  Staturday was her 12th day, and I took final progress pictures Sunday.  Here are her results.

She lost 3 1/2 inches around her belly area, but most importantly she's developed a solid foundation that she can build off of.  She now knows what she should be eating most of the time, and has also increased her fitness level which will make it easier to burn fat and lose more weight as she continues on her fat loss and fitness journey.  

Coach Rollie - 100% Steroid Free Fitness Coach

Specializing in Effective and Efficient Fat Loss
Private/Personal Fitness Training in Pasadena, California
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