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Bonus Fat Burning Workouts

If you've done the fat burning Fat X Workout Program, you already know how effective and efficient the workouts are.  So by popular requests, I will start adding more fat burning workouts and free workout videos that can be done as a stand alone workout and aside from the FX 12.  Up first is a workout that I've been doing since I completed my fat burning Fat X Project a couple of weeks ago.  Give it a try, but keep in mind this is an advanced workout.  I will put together other workouts for beginners in the coming weeks so stay tuned!  Effective and efficient  fat burning is what we're shooting for! 

I did this video during summer as an example of an advanced burpee.  It was a very simple workout that I did then. Simple, yet effective, is what I'm going to be going for with these bonus fat burning workouts.
Here's the workout.
Were' going to be utilizing the HIIT method with advanced burpees. All you will need is a pair of dumbbells to do this workout. 

Warm up for 5 minutes. Then, do as many advanced burpees as you can for 30 seconds, and then rest 30 seconds.  Complete 10 rounds of this.  Yup, it's that simple. By the way, try not to smash your face on the floor, that would be….not good!  

The heavier the dumbbell weights, the better, but keep in mind this is not easy and if it's your first time trying advanced burpees, I would suggest using very light weights.  By the way, keep track of how many advanced burpees you do in each round.  

If you want to start the Fat X Program, go on do workout 1, day 1.  Download the FX Workout Manual to help you complete the fat burning workouts properly. 
Don't forget, if you're in Pasadena, contact me to join my FX Boot Camp

Coach Rollie - 100% Steroid Free Fitness Coach

Specializing in Effective and Efficient Fat Loss
Private/Personal Fitness Training in Pasadena, California
E-mail Any Questions

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