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Free Fat Burning Workout Videos: Bonus

My fat burning workout and diet plan, the Fat X Program, has been available since 2008.  Since then I've received countless e-mails and messages from men and women thanking me for helping them  with their fat loss and fitness goals.  I appreciate the thanks and support and as a thank you for visiting my site, "liking" the site on Facebook  and passing it along on Twitter, I decided it was time to give back to the fans and users of the Fat X Program (FX 12) with more workouts and videos to further assist in a fat loss and fitness journey. A couple of months ago I started adding these workout videos to the site, but I really hadn't organized them or described how to implement them into a fitness plan.  I will add them to this post and also give a brief description. 

These bonus workouts can be added after completing the fat burning Fat X Program, or while taking some time off of it. They can also be done as a stand alone workout depending on your fitness level.  If you've downloaded the Fat X Program , you'll be familiar with the system I use to track the exercises and workouts.

This first free workout video can be done at home with very little equipment.  All you need is some type of object to use for resistance while doing some of the exercises.  I chose to use a laundry detergent bottle in the video because most people have one of those laying around somewhere in their home.  Check out the free workout video:

Home Workout With Limited Space and Equipment 1

If you're and advanced athlete or you just want to have a little fun with your workouts and exercises, make yourself a dragging sled.  Once you have a sled, you can do one of my fun outdoor workouts with it.  All you need is a dragging sled, a sandbag and a grassy hill.  The exercises are fun, yet effective. My girlfriend at the time made her first appearance in this video as well as my green hat that you'll continue to see until I figure out what to do with my hair : ) Check out the free workout video.
In this next free workout video, I wanted to show that you can work your core with total body exercises.  You don't need much equipment for this workout, but use light weight until your fitness level improves.  This is the video where my camera broke : (  It was a windy day and it fell over during filming.  The show went on, check out the free workout video:

Despite a broken LCD screen on my camera, I was determined to add to the Bonus Fat Burning Workout Video Series and give back to Fat X 101 fans and users of the FX 12.  In this video I decided to do another workout that could be done at home with very little equipment and a small area.  Check out the free workout video.

One of the biggest things that bothers me is when genuinely motivated people fail. I see motivated people at the gym all the time but they end up losing their motivation because they don't know what they're doing, or it's the blind leading the blind. Usually these initially super motivated people quit because they don't get results.  This video was aimed at those motivated gym goers that just need a simple plan they can follow at the gym.  Check out the free workout video.Arms and abs are those body parts that everyone wants to improve on, but they usually go about exercising the wrong way to get the most efficient results.  This workout will not only keep your heart rate going, but it also targets arms and abs just in case you feel you need a little extra work in those areas.  Check out the free workout video. 
Gym Workout Video

Thanks again and Hopefully you enjoy the Bonus Fat Burning Workout Video Series.  I'll be doing more workout videos in the future so stay tuned.  If you like the site and or the Fat X Program don't forget to pass it along on Facebook, Twitter or any other form of social networking site you can think of.  It costs time and money to keep the site going, but your support has helped immensely and I hope to have your continued support.  Feel free to contact me at or check out the Fat X 101 Facebook Page

Coach Rollie - 100% Steroid Free Fitness Coach

Specializing in Effective and Efficient Fat Loss
Private/Personal Fitness Training in Pasadena, California
E-mail Any Questions

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