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Tough Mudder Training Workout Video - Pasadena

Tough Mudder Training Personal Trainer Pasadena
One of my best tips to those that want to get in great shape, or stay in shape, is to enter a competition.  Committing yourself to competing, and knowing that you have to be in great shape by a certain date, has a way of lighting a motivational fire.  I've competed in everything from powerlifting, to combat sports, and committing myself to these competitions has always helped me stay on track, or to get back on track with my fitness, and or fat burning (fat loss) goals.  This February, I will be doing the Tough Mudder.  As an addition to my free fat burning workout video Bonus Series, I decided to film one of the workouts I will be using to prepare for the Tough Mudder. 

Check out part one of my Tough Mudder Training workout videos.
 As you can see in this Tough Mudder Training video, you don't need much to get in a good workout.  All I used for the exercises was a homemade sled, some sandbags, and weight plates.  Nothing fancy or expensive is necessary and any of those items can be substituted. 

This Tough Mudder Training workout video features the following exercises:

Uphill Sled Drag
Downhill SpiderMan
Uphill Sprint
Downhill Overhead Carry
Uphill Sprint
Downhill Sandbag Carry
Uphill Sprint
Downhill Sled Carry

You can do the workout video as is, or just use it to get some workout and exercise ideas . 

If you enjoy my free workout videos, feel free to pass them along.  The more views and feedback I get, the better I can evaluate what people want and need. I'm always looking to put together free workout videos that are helpful and can fill a need.  As I always, say, If readers of Fat X 101 or my clients don't succeed, I don't succeed.  So, you can bet I will do my best to help you succeed. 

By the way, I'm not taking on any new clients this year, but if you need a fitness coach a.k.a personal trainer, and you're in the Pasadena or Los Angeles area, contact me and we can set up a consultation to get you started early in 2013.  Feel free to contact me with any questions.

Stay tuned for more free workout videos, including but not limited to Tough Mudder Training videos.  If you're ready for a complete 12 day jumpstart workout plan, download my Fat X Program

Coach Rollie - 100% Steroid Free Fitness Coach

Specializing in Effective and Efficient Fat Loss
Private/Personal Fitness Training in Pasadena, California
E-mail Any Questions

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