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Bust a Fat Burning Plateau - 4 Tips to a Beach Body

fat burning tips for summer pro fitness trainer pasadena
My Client Grecia
Summer is the time people really want to focus on that so called "beach body".  Right now is the perfect time to start tightening things up for Summer. If you've been getting results but have approached or are approaching a plateau,  here are four of my professional secret tips that will help you blast through it!  I use these 4 tips personally all the time to crank up my fat burning abilities and lean down quickly. I also teach them to my clients so they can achieve the best results possible. 

Let's get into these tips so you can shed excess body fat and reveal the underlying muscle tone.  These fat burning tips will get you on your way to achieving your best beach body ever this Summer! 

These plateau busting tips are a quick, but a powerful added addition to my Fat X 101 Method!  

12 Day Fat X Program
Bonus Fat Burning Workouts 

Plateau Busting Fat Burning Tips

Tip #1: Change your workouts to a different time of day.  For example, if you usually workout in the morning, switch it up and work out in the evening.  I discovered this secret tip by necessity.  I normally workout in the evening, but I had to change to morning workouts for a while. That first week I noticed a big change.  It seems that the slight shock to my body's internal clock kicked up my metabolism and revved up my body's natural fat burning mechanisms. 

After a few weeks of morning workouts, I switched back to evening workouts, and then again I notice an uptick in results.  Experiment with this technique and see how it works for you.  It's become one of my best little fat burning secrets.

Tip #2 :  Add kale to your diet. I add it to my protein smoothies.  I started doing this a while back and I've noticed a big difference from when I do and when I don't include it in my diet. 

The high nutrient, yet low calorie content of kale definitely has metabolism boosting benefits.  The nutrients that kale contains is great fuel to your body's engine.  I would suggest starting with a small amount to gauge your taste for it.  It's on my list of go to fat burning foods.

Tip #3 : Change your workout location.  This is one of those mental tricks and hacks that kicks up motivation.  There is something about changing locations that seems to enhance workouts.  Remember, the better your workout, the more it's going to tax your body's metabolic processes and crank up your BMR (basal metabolic rate).  Your metabolism is key in burning off excess calories. 

Tip #4 : This tip isn't all that secret, but, it's undervalued and underappreciated ....STAY HYDRATED!  And, that doesn't just mean drink water.  You also need to replenish your electrolytes. I add a pinch of Himalayan sea salt to my water. When I feel like I want a carbonated drink, I'll have soda/mineral water with a pinch of Himalayan sea salt and some lemon.  It's a great substitute for sugary soft drinks.

So there you go, four simple tips that are easy to implement.  Get started, get going and start developing your best body ever.  It's a lot of fun feeling the benefits of great health.    

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.  I want to help you succeed, because when you succeed, I succeed as a fitness coach. 

Home Gym Recommendations 
(Amazon Affiliate Links)

Bench Fitness Station 
Exercise Mat 
**My Not Necessary But Very Cool Gorilla Kettlebell

Intermediate to Advanced Level Gym
Barbell Bar and Weight Set

Diet Supplements 
Protein Powder
Green Superfood Powder 

Coach Rollie - 100% Steroid Free Fitness Coach

Specializing in Effective and Efficient Fat Loss
Private/Personal Fitness Training in Pasadena, California
E-mail Any Questions

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