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5 Healthier Lunch Ideas - Fat X 101

One of my goals for this website is to show the average person that becoming healthier and more fit does not need to be overly difficult. What to eat for lunch is one of the topics that comes up a lot with my private clients and FX Boot Camp members. It’s also a common FAQ that is often e-mailed to me.  A few weeks back I started a lunch ideas project.  The goal was to get a Fat X Approved meal every day of the work week while on the road (eating out).  By Fat X Approved, I mean that it sticks closely to my Fat X Diet philosophy. I’ll go over each of my lunch meals I had that week from Monday through Friday.  If you have any questions, feel free to post them in the comment section, or you can e-mail me.
I started this project on a Monday with a trip to a local restaurant in Pasadena, CA. Cabrera’s is a Mexican restaurant that’s about a mile from my home.  I wanted to get this project off to a solid start so I ordered the shrimp cocktail.  Shrimp is high in protein and very low in fat and carbohydrates.  There’s also a lot of nutrients packed into the rest of the ingredients which include, avocado, cucumber and tomato. 

On Tuesday I was on the east end of Pasadena so I decided to stop by one of the local fast food joints, Top’s Burgers.  Surely there couldn’t be a Fat X Approved meal here, right?  Wrong!  Remember, were not looking for perfect, just healthier!  I ordered the grilled chicken sandwich and instead of mayo I ordered it with BBQ sauce.  By doing so I reduced the saturated fat content and overall calorie count. A grilled chicken breast packs in a solid amount of protein and the complete sandwich is actually pretty filling. 
Wednesday I was just north of Pasadena in Altadena so I stopped by Everest Burgers.  It’s another fast food joint but don’t let that fool you, the food is good and I they have a Fat X Approved chicken salad that’s amazing.  The chicken and eggs pack in the protein while all the other ingredients add plenty of nutrition.  There’s a lot of food on this plate but it follows the Fat X Diet philosophy and you will definitely not be starving. 
On Thursday I stopped by a small restaurant in Pasadena and one of it’s hidden gems. It’s not all that pretty or glamorous but the food is delicious.  On this day, since I had a pretty good week diet wise and had some really productive workouts, it was time for a bit of a treat.  I ordered the fried fish.  Yeah, I know, fried isn’t the healthiest way to cook fish but I replaced the beans and rice that normally come with the plate with salad.  The meal was still high in protein, and very low in carbs.  The overall calorie content of the meal was highly reduced by replacing the beans and rice with salad.
Tacos get a bad rap!  They’re generally considered unhealthy, but I’m on a mission to prove that they’re not all that bad.  I believe that this bad rap has originated from people who generally have a bad diet, don’t exercise, and usually finish off the week by partying and concluding their night of partying with a trip to the taco truck.  In and around the Los Angeles area, taco trucks are famous for staying open really late and there’s a bit of a tradition amongst bar hopper and club goers of ending the night at one of the many taco trucks or taco spots. 

So anyway, back to my lunch idea project.  I finished this project off with tacos at El Mexicano in Pasadena.  I ordered two asada (steak), one chicken and one pork.  If you analyze the individual ingredients, you can see that tacos are a far better choice than some of the other traditional fast food options. You can reduce the carbs and overall calorie content by removing one of the tortillas (each taco usually has two).  You can bring up the nutritional value by adding salsa, guacamole and radishes.  Salsa and guacamole are generally made with fresh and highly nutritious ingredients.

These lunch ideas are just some samples.  One of the tips that I give my clients is to find places and restaurants near you and study their menu.  Find healthier alternatives so you have something to fall back on when you’re stuck on the road.  No more excuses!  Get on the road to achieving your goals!  
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.  I want to help you succeed, because when you succeed, I succeed as a fitness coach. 

Home Gym Recommendations 
(Amazon Affiliate Links)

Bench Fitness Station 
Exercise Mat 
**My Not Necessary But Very Cool Gorilla Kettlebell

Intermediate to Advanced Level Gym
Barbell Bar and Weight Set

Diet Supplements 
Protein Powder
Green Superfood Powder 

Coach Rollie - 100% Steroid Free Fitness Coach

Specializing in Effective and Efficient Fat Loss
Private/Personal Fitness Training in Pasadena, California
E-mail Any Questions

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