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Exercises You Should Try - FX Training Pasadena

In this video, I decided to do a little something different.  Normally, in my free fat burning workout Bonus Series videos, I showcase complete workouts that can be done after the 12 day Fat X Program, in combination, or as a stand alone WOD (workout of the day).  This video is different because I just wanted to showcase some of my favorite exercises.  For those that have done my private training, or have done my FX Boot Camp class, you’ll recognize them, if you’re new to Fat X 101, check out these exercises.  I’ll list them below the video, and discuss some of the benefits. 

Row Thrust:  This exercise is excellent for those that need to work on their back muscles and pulling strength.  It’s a great way to develop the muscles required to do Pull-Ups and I often get a beginner to do Pull- Ups very quickly by first starting them on this exercise.  Fat burning goal or otherwise, you should give this a go in your next workout.

Burpee:  The Burpee can be done in a variety of ways, so in this video I broke it down into a Basic Burpee, Burpee (classic) and Advanced Burpee.  Some clients aren’t strong enough to do the Push-Up porting of the Burpee, so I’ll have the stop at a Plank position and then continue.  The Advanced Burpee is done carrying dumbbells. This exercise should be a staple in any fat burning workout program as it stimulates and taxes your metabolic processes at a high rate due to so many muscles being utilized.

Reverse Hyper: The muscles of the lower back, as well as the glutes and hamstrings are extremely important in any athletic movement. This exercise is great as a preventative maintenance exercise as well as an overall GPP (general physical preparation) exercise.  Louie Simmons of West Side Barbell is a powerlifting legend and we can thank him for inventing this awesome piece of workout equipment. I’ve had this piece of equipment for about 10 years and it’s truly helped keep my back strong and healthy. Strong and healthy are highly important if you want to lose body fat and stay on your fat burning goal long term.

Cross Hop:  The Cross Hop exercise is one of the best at developing good and explosive foot work.  This exercise will quickly tax your cardiovascular system into gear. It will quickly kick your heart rate up and while it looks easy it’s quite challenging.  Used properly and in conjunction with other exercises it will definitely help your fat burning and fitness goals. 

Deadlift: The Deadlift exercise can be done in many different ways, but in this video, I showcased the standard version with a barbell.  The Deadlift exercise is a must in any workout program!  Many fitness experts consider it as a bread and butter movement.  It’s easy to learn and can help you develop absolute strength quickly! Whatever your fitness goal is, absolute strength is essential as it is a foundational component in developing overall fitness and fitness attributes (power, strength endurance speed, agility, etc.)

Walk Out:  This exercise is similar to the Burpee except that your feet stay stationary and you “walk” with your hands. It’s excellent at developing hand speed and pushing power. I learned this exercise from one of the Martial Arts experts in the Los Angeles area, Joey Alvarado.  Joey Alvarado is a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) Instructor and owner so So Cal MMA  in Los Angeles.  He’s competed in Mixed Martial Arts (cage fighting), BJJ Tournaments and is considered one of the great coaches in the area. The Walk Out exercise has quickly become on of my favorites and I have noticed improvement in my overall fitness abilities after implementing this exercise. 

Bag Slam: The Bag Slam exercise is also one of my favorites.  There’s nothing fancy about it, you pick up an object (I use a sand bag) and slam it as hard as possible on the ground or mat.  You can use any size object, a sand bag or medicine ball is advised so that you don’t mess up the floor.  The beauty of this exercise is that you can make up for lack of weight in the bag with speed and power.  The faster and harder you slam it, the more taxing on your metabolic processes. 

Pull-Up: The Pull-Up and it’s grip variations, chins, close grip, has been used as a measurement for strength and fitness for a long time. It’s a staple in Police and Military academies. I’ve trained several clients before their entry into Police and or Military Academies (boot camps) and getting them good at doing Pull-Ups has always been top priority.  The Pull-Up utilizes some of the biggest muscles groups in the human body and implementing this exercise in one way or another in your workout program is extremely important if you want effective and efficient fitness results.

Rock and Press: This exercise will improve the utilization of your core muscles in coordination with other major muscle groups.  I’ve implemented into my workouts to help my submission wrestling abilities.  In submission wrestling (BJJ, MMA,) getting an opponent off of you is extremely important.  This exercise strengthens and conditions the muscles and energy systems required to do that effectively.  There’s a few more versions of this exercise that I really like and I’ll be showcasing those in later videos.  Stay tuned for those. 

Power Swing:  The Power Swing exercise is similar to Kettlebell movements with the exception that you go lower and deeper to really involve and tax the hamstring muscles.  The hips and muscles around the hips are forced to work extremely hard to propel the weight above your head.  Hips, hip movement and power production from that area of the body is extremely important in all sports.  Even if you don’t compete in a sport, If you want to achieve that lean, toned and athletic look, training like an athlete should be at the top of your list!

If you enjoyed the video, let me know and I’ll get on part 2 ASAP!  Also, if you can pass it long, it will help me greatly.  I love to help people that are trying to get fit, if you find Fat X 101 info helpful, you can help me, help others by sharing the links.  Thank you!

As always, feel free to ask any questions.  You can e-mail me at or connect with me on Twitter, Instagram and or Facebook

Coach Rollie - 100% Steroid Free Fitness Coach

Specializing in Effective and Efficient Fat Loss
Private/Personal Fitness Training in Pasadena, California
E-mail Any Questions

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