Search Fat X 101

The 5% Belly Fat Attack Roadmap

Pasadena Fitness Trainer Challenge
First of all, let me apologize to those who tried logging on to the site over the weekend. Apparently, a big dummy forgot to renew the domain name.  Yeah, that big dummy was me.  Ooops!  Long story short, the credit card I had on file to renew the domain had expired.  Anyway, it’s all fixed and Fat X 101 is back!  In today’s article, I’m going to once again share with those who follow me online the monthly challenge I’m giving my clients that come to train with me at my Pasadena fitness studio, FX Training Pasadena.  I’ll also share the roadmap to completing the challenge.  These challenges have worked really well for motivating my clients, and that’s why I’m starting to share them on Fat X 101 as well. You’re all invited to participate! 

In July, the challenge was physical.  It was to complete a total of 180 minutes of holding a plank position.  The hashtag we used on social media was #July180. This month, August, the challenge will be aesthetic. 

The big challenge this month is to lose 5% off of your belly measurement. As I’ve mentioned in the past, that’s where most people store much of their body fat, and a decrease in the size of that area is a good indicator of fat loss, fitness, and overall health. 

So, take a measurement right around your belly button. That's usually the biggest area for most people. Let’s take, for example, a measurement of 35 inches. 5% off would be an inch and three quarters. At the end of the month, your new measurement should be 33 1/4 inches or better. Tag your photos on social media #August5Challenge.  

Not everyone is good at math, so here’s how you figure all of this out:

Starting Measurement x .05 =  X

Starting Measurement - X = New and Improved Measurement 

Here are the numbers from the 35 inch example:
35 x .05 = 1.75
35 - 1.75 = 33.25

I didn’t just challenge my clients to lose 5% off of their belly measurement; I also gave them a roadmap. You can use this roadmap, which I know will work, or you can use your own.

 Here’s the Belly Fat Attack Roadmap:

  • Complete 12 Coach Rollie Designed Workouts              
               Example: 12 FX Workout Classes
                               12 Private Workouts with Coach Rollie
                               12 Day Fat X Program
                               12 Workout from the Bonus Workout Series 
(*Any combination equalling 12 Coach Rollie Designed Workouts) 

  • Complete 4 Active Rest Days (lower intensity, but longer in duration; 60-90 minute workouts) 
               Example:  Hiking

Let’s get in great shape!  Let’s get healthier! Let’s do this!  Don't forget to tag your photos doing things that will accomplish the goal with #August5Challenge. 

Feel free to contact me with any questions. If you're in the Pasadena area, and you're interested in training with me at my private fitness studio, FX Training Pasadena, I can set you up with a 20 minute consultation.  

You can contact me via:

Coach Rollie - 100% Steroid Free Fitness Coach

Specializing in Effective and Efficient Fat Loss
Private/Personal Fitness Training in Pasadena, California
E-mail Any Questions

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