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Can Protein Help You Lose Body Fat?

can protein help you lose body fat which protein is best In ancient times, the lean and athletic look was so revered that statues where created commemorating those aesthetics. So how do you go from flabby to fit fast? How do you get that toned and athletic look?  Well, building muscle and losing body fat is essential. But, can protein help or harm those goals?  

In this article I'll go over some of the basics of protein intake and then you can decide whether protein can help you lose body fat and help you achieve that lean and athletic look that's been so revered since ancient times.

As always, feel free to contact me with any questions.  I can only succeed if you succeed! 

To achieve that lean and athletic look, excess body fat has to be addressed. But, can protein help with fat loss? 

Workouts that highly tax your metabolic processes are part of the fat burning equation. Recovering from those workouts is just as important. Protein plays a huge role in recovery.  

There are periods when I supplement with protein, and there are periods when I don’t.  I’ve done this off and on enough so as to notice the difference between those two periods. 

Let's get into some basics of what protein is, thoughts on supplementation, and what a protein supplement can do for your fitness, and fat loss (fat burning) journey.  

Protein is one of the three macronutrients your body needs to run its metabolic processes.  Protein is important for repairing, maintaining, and building muscle tissue.  When you exercise, you are stressing and taxing your muscle tissue which causes micro tears.  When those micro tears are repaired, the muscle fibers come back stronger, more durable and more capable of handling the stress and tax you previously placed upon it. 

My favorite food sources of protein are fish, chicken breast, eggs and red meat.  There’s a few problems with attempting to get enough protein via food alone.

 One, is the time required to cook.  Another, is that you can get in an excess of other macronutrients and calories by eating high protein meals.  If you’re trying to reduce body fat, that can be an issue.  For example, an egg contains 7 grams of protein but it also contains 7 grams of fat. And, normally a person wouldn't just eat eggs alone so add to that more calories from other food.

  Another example, which has been a vegetarian favorite would be quinoa. One  cup (cooked) has 8 grams of protein, but also a whopping 39 grams of carbs, and another 4 grams of fat.  Obviously a bad choice for those on a low carb diet that are also trying to get in enough protein.  

So how much is enough protein?

Experts differ in the amount believed is enough protein.  But, generally, 1-2 grams per pound of lean body weight is considered good.  For me, I’ve done best with around 1.2 -1.5 grams per lean pound of bodyweight.  I suggest you experiment with different amounts and keep a log of how you feel, how you recover, and how you perform during your workouts and or athletic events.  

Everyone is different, so the truth is that there is no set amount that will work for everyone.  

Whether I supplement or don’t, I know that 1.2- 1.5 grams of protein per pound of lean bodyweight works well for me.  That means that I shoot to consume around 200 grams of protein a day.  If I eat 6 times a day, that breaks down to a little over 30 grams of protein per meal.  If I eat 4 times a day, then that means 50 grams per meal.  

Through experience, in the periods where I’m not supplementing with protein, I’ve found that it becomes very difficult to consume that much protein through food alone.  When I consistently miss my protein consumption goals, I’ve noticed that I stay sore longer, my strength seems so suffer and my body fat begins to slowly rise.  

Why does strength matter for fat loss? 

 Keep in mind, the stronger you are, the more weight you can move.  The more weight you move, the more of a tax you’re placing on your metabolic processes.  The higher the tax on your metabolic processes, the higher you BMR (basal metabolic rate) will be.  

Your BMR will dictate how many calories your body will burn each day.  When you’re attempting to lose fat, the more the better.  

Anything that interferes with your strength, or strength building, will eventually affect your fat loss in a negative way.  For me, not consuming enough protein has interfered with my strength and strength building.  So, while getting in enough protein with food alone is possible, supplementing just makes the process a bit easier.  For someone like me with an extremely busy schedule, supplementing is a practical and almost necessary route.  

In Summary, protein helps you build muscle and strength.  That strength and muscle will not only help your overall fitness, but it will also help raise your BMR so that your body burns more calories.

If the rest of your diet is in line, those calories will come from stored body fat.  You don’t necessarily need to supplement with protein, but supplementing will make consuming enough protein easier and it can help avoid consuming extra calories coming from the other macronutrients.  

If you have any questions you can contact me via:

I often get asked: "What protein powder is best?" Here are some affiliate links to protein brands that I’ve suggested to my clients.  I like shopping at Amazon because of their quick delivery and because you can look through plenty of costumer feedback to help you decide.  I've tried many, and to be honest, I usually get one from a reputable brand that has a good price.   If you have specific needs, there are different types (vegetarian, organic etc.)

Coach Rollie - 100% Steroid Free Fitness Coach

Specializing in Effective and Efficient Fat Loss
Private/Personal Fitness Training in Pasadena, California
E-mail Any Questions

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