Search Fat X 101

Advanced Tip for Better Workouts and Improved Results

fat burning workout tips advanced Coach Rollie Pasadena
Have you ever had a peanut butter and garlic sandwich?  Yeah, me neither! Peanut butter is delicious and so is garlic (used properly). But, while each is a good ingredient on its own, together they make for a disaster. You can view exercises and how they are implemented in a workout in the same way.

 Think of exercises as ingredients. Exercises can work well together like peanut butter and jelly, or, they can suck and waste your time and energy.

  There’s a very important concept I learned many years ago that can improve your results, not only in fitness and any fitness goal such as fat loss, increasing strength, speed etc., but also in such things as cooking, music, art and many other realms of life.  What’s that concept?   

That concept is SYNERGY!  Here’s the Google Definition:

Synergy: The interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.

Let’s go back to the peanut butter and garlic sandwich analogy . Obviously, those ingredients/substances aren’t going to work well together to produce an effect greater than each of its parts.  But, think about a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  Now those two ingredients work well together and form something greater than the sum of its parts. That’s using synergy!  

Synergy can be used to enhance and improve your workouts and the results from those workouts. 

The difference between a high level professional and an amateur in anything is that the professional, through education, experience, natural talent and experimentation develops a sense and respect for the power of synergy.  

Think of a great musician, a painter, a chef etc.,   A musician puts notes together, an artist puts paints and colors together, a chef foods and spices, and they do it in a way where the final effect is greater than the sum of its parts.  Synergy at work! 

Have you been following social media model workouts that look good, but aren’t actually working for you?  It’s probably because those workouts are nothing more than ingredients/exercises thrown together with the sole purpose of getting attention. They just don't go well together, or, it's like a painting a wall white with 10 different shades of white!  I've seen workouts where models showcase several different exercises for one body part.  It's overkill, counterproductive and they are definitely not utilizing the power of synergy to design workouts that are efficient.  

So why do they do that? 

For "influencers", its' more important to get attention than to offer professionally designed workouts that work for real people.  Getting attention (likes, followers, comments) is how they can appeal to advertisers and get paid. I get it, they want to get paid, and I can't be mad at that. But, those workouts are definitely missing out on the power of synergy and that's why they really don't work that well for the average person that wants to get efficient results.   

I'll probably get a few hate e-mails for pulling back the curtain, but it's my job to teach people concepts that work, so that they can maximize their time and effort. Avoiding fluff and better investing time, money and energy is what I do and advocate. Especially for busy people.  

To see some examples of workouts that utilize the power of synergy to maximize time and effort, check out my Free Fat Burning Workout section.     

Synergy is a powerful force.  I use it all the time.  It’s one of the engines that drives my 12 Day Fat X Program, as well as the programs that I develop for clients.  When I develop a workout, I think of the exercises as ingredients.  They must work well together within the workout.  And, each workout must work well with other workouts in a program.  This method increases results and maximizes time and effort. 

In part 2, I’ll go into the best exercise combinations so that you take full advantage of synergy and maximize the time and effort you have to spend on exercising.  

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.  I want to help you succeed, because when you succeed, I succeed as a fitness coach. 

Home Gym Recommendations 
(Amazon Affiliate Links)

Bench Fitness Station 
Exercise Mat 
**My Not Necessary But Very Cool Gorilla Kettlebell

Intermediate to Advanced Level Gym
Barbell Bar and Weight Set

Diet Supplements 
Protein Powder
Green Superfood Powder 

Coach Rollie - 100% Steroid Free Fitness Coach

Specializing in Effective and Efficient Fat Loss
Private/Personal Fitness Training in Pasadena, California
E-mail Any Questions

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