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Fat Burning, Weight Loss, Diet and Fitness Question of the Week

Every week I answer a question or questions that are sent in to me regarding fat burning, weight loss, diet, fitness and or the Fat X program. Today's question was in regards to Fat Burning Workout 4 and was e-mailed in. 

 Hey Coach, Thanks for the free info and free videos on Fat X 101. I decided to try the 12 Day Fat X Program and I had a question about workout 4. Should there be a push up involved with the burbee? I've seen some people do burbees with a push up. Thanks. J. Sims

When it comes down to certain exercises, there are a small changes you can make to either make them easier or more difficult/challenging.

 There are a variety of ways you can do the burpee, with a push up, with and without a jump and with or without a squat. 

 In the case of Fat X Workout 4/Day 4, I chose the version you see in the video because of the way it would fit into the overall exercise program. 

 For example, in workout 3, one of the main exercises was a pushing movement so doing the burpee with a push up in workout 4 would have been superfluous. Thanks for you question and good luck with the program.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.  I want to help you succeed, because when you succeed, I succeed as a fitness coach. 

Home Gym Recommendations 
(Amazon Affiliate Links)

Bench Fitness Station 
Exercise Mat 
**My Not Necessary But Very Cool Gorilla Kettlebell

Intermediate to Advanced Level Gym
Barbell Bar and Weight Set

Diet Supplements 
Protein Powder
Green Superfood Powder 

Coach Rollie - 100% Steroid Free Fitness Coach

Specializing in Effective and Efficient Fat Loss
Private/Personal Fitness Training in Pasadena, California
E-mail Any Questions

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