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6 Fat Burning Quick Tips - Coach Rollie Refresher

Personal Trainer Pasadena Fat Burning Tips weight loss coach rollie
I received an e-mail with a request from a reader. Her and her husband are desperate to lose weight (fat loss). She found Fat X 101 as she was searching for a personal trainer in Pasadena. She complimented me on all the straight forward information on fat burning, exercise, workouts and diet, but she also said she was lost in all the info. 

I feel for her because learning how to get fit and lose fat can definitely be a daunting process.

 She requested a quick fat burning tips recap. I thought it was a great idea. The e-mail made me realize that I have written over 400 posts/articles here on Fat X 101 and it brought to my attention that someone new to fitness can easily get lost.  

In this article I'll go over a quick recap going over some of my best tips that are easy to implement whether your’e a beginner or more advanced athlete. 

Hopefully you find it helpful. If you're new to Fat X 101, welcome!

If you're a Fat X 101 veteran, I hope it serves as a refresher and maybe a motivation boost to get to the next level this Summer! 

I figured it would also be a good start for those interested in doing my 12 Day Fat X Program.  

We can all forget working methods and tips that we've picked up along the way. Sometimes it is a good idea to refocus on the basics so we can continue achieving our fat burning (fat loss) and fitness goals.  So with all that out of the way, here are the fat burning quick tips in response to that e-mail.

6 Fat Burning Quick Tips

I'll discuss each tip just briefly, since I've written other articles/posts discussing them in more depth.  You can always use the search function or e-mail me directly if you get hungry for more.  In order for me to succeed, I need you to succeed, so I don't mind spending time helping you.

Fat Burning Tip #1 - Himalayan Sea Salt in Water First Thing in the Morning

Overnight, while you're sleeping, your body's metabolic processes and functions are still putting in work. When you wake up, you will always be at least, slightly dehydrated.  Dehydration causes fatigue, and it will limit your metabolism's ability to function optimally. 

Leave a bottled water next to your bed and drink it first think upon awakening. (I add Himalayan sea salt to the water) It’s worked great for me, and my clients have also reported back with positive results.

The sea salt is a bonus tip, always check with your doctor before adding anything to your diet. 

Fat Burning Tip #2 - Eat "Good" Fat at Night

The last thing you want to do right before bed is to eat a high carb (carbohydrate) meal causing an insulin spike and messaging your body to store body fat. 

Instead, eat something low carb and containing "good" fat (EFA's)(Essential Fatty Acids). This will help your body shift over to using fat for energy, and with the absence of carbs, your body will start breaking down stored body fat for the energy required to run it's metabolic functions and processes over night and into the time your break the overnight fast. (Breakfast)

I do intermittent fasting and usually have my first meal around 11 a.m.  

Fat Burning Tip #3 - Use Several Exercises in Circuit Form

Constantly having to stop and shift directions or movements will intensify and enhance a workout helping to create the afterburn effect (EPOC) which is a secret weapon for fat loss.

A perfect example is running as fast as possibly in a straight line versus running the same distance in a zig zag line.  The zig zag version will require more work and energy consumption.

The concept is similar to your vehicle burning more fuel in city driving versus highway driving. 

You can supercharge this concept by doing 3-4 weight training (resistance training) exercises in circuit fashion.  My Fat X 101 workouts are basically set up that way. It helps workouts to be effective and efficient. 

Fat Burning Tip #4 - Use Heavy Weight When Exercising / Working Out.

The heavier the weight, the more work that is required to move it. Heavy is a relative term though.  It’s important to keep track of your exercises and weight used so that you know where you started, where you are and where you’r going. 

Let’s take the deadlift for example, one person might find 100 lbs heavy, but for another person it might feel light. What’s important is that you strive to use a heavier load.  In other words, improve on the amount of resistance you an move. 

This is an advanced tip and fat burning technique that should be used intelligently. Safety first! 

Just remember, using more weight will help you increase work load and power output which in turn work will help your fat burning and fitness goals. 

Fat Burning Tip #5 - Time Your Workouts

Time your workouts and everything involved within your workout (circuits, rounds, rest periods etc.) Random workouts will produce random results! 

Make your workouts a science and track your data.  I do this extensively with my private clients, and the results that I've produced from doing this has made me the top fitness coach (personal trainer) in the Pasadena area.  

It’s no secret, it’s just using data and analytics to produce professional high level results.  Every successful person and organization does it, you should too.  

Fat Burning Tip #6 - Eat Green Stuff!

Well... not anything green!  Cause there are some delicious green treats. I'm talking about vegetables and some fruits.  I'm a big advocate of eating vegetables.  They're usually really low in calories, yet they're nutrient dense!  

That's a perfect combination for fat loss and overall health and fitness.  So stock up on broccoli, green beans, spinach, kale, cucumber, celery, etc.

I've been a professional fitness coach, a.k.a personal trainer, since 2001. These 6 fitness and fat burning tips have helped me become the best in Pasadena. My long list of clients are proof that these tips and techniques work and if implemented correctly and consistently, they will work for you. 

If you're in the Pasadena area and you're interested in training with me, contact me and we'll set up a consultation.  If I can't fit you into my training schedule, I'll recommend another trusted personal trainer in Pasadena.  I also have a small group boot camp class that might have some availability.  Check in every month and sign up early to reserve your spot. 

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.  I want to help you succeed, because when you succeed, I succeed as a fitness coach. 

Home Gym Recommendations 
(Amazon Affiliate Links)

Bench Fitness Station 
Exercise Mat 
**My Not Necessary But Very Cool Gorilla Kettlebell

Intermediate to Advanced Level Gym
Barbell Bar and Weight Set

Diet Supplements 
Protein Powder
Green Superfood Powder 

Coach Rollie - 100% Steroid Free Fitness Coach

Specializing in Effective and Efficient Fat Loss
Private/Personal Fitness Training in Pasadena, California
E-mail Any Questions

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