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Apocalypse Afterburn Workout Video: Fat Burning Bonus

I've been away for a while working with my clients and setting up a few things outside of Fat X 101.  But, recently I had a chance to start working on another workout video for my fat burning Bonus Workout Series.  I call it the Apocalypse Workout!  It's a ten exercise workout that will definitely help you get the best fat burning and fitness benefits in a short amount of time due to the long lasting afterburn effect.  By the way, I gave it the Apocalypse name because it's a killer workout! I have some workouts for beginners, but this one is definitely not one of them.  Each exercise can be difficult on it's own, but rack up all ten together and good bye body fat, hello beach body!

So anyway, here's a glimpse into the first three exercises. Check out the workout video:

In this workout, each exercise is performed for 10 repetitions before moving on to the next. You track the total time it takes you to complete all ten exercises.  Then, you try to beat that time next time you do the workout.

The first three exercises in the Apocalypse workout are:
Advanced Burpee
Front Dumbbell Squat
Dumbbell Rows

I'm using 40 lbs dumbbells in the video.  I'm working on setting up a fitness contest where the person who completes the Apocalypse Workout using 40 lbs dumbbells (25 lbs for women) the fastest wins a prize.  Stay tuned for details on that.  Contact me if you're interested in becoming a sponsor. 

I would suggest downloading and doing the 12 day Fat X Program (FX 12) a few times before starting on the Apocalypse Workout.  Like I said before, it's definitely not for beginners. You can look through the Bonus Workout Series for beginner workouts.

I'll be working on part 2 of the Apocalypse Workout this week, and hopefully I'll have it up some time next week.  As always, feel free to contact me with any fitness, workout or diet related questions.

If you're in Pasadena, or the Los Angeles area, I'm available for private fitness training (personal training) a.k.a fitness coaching.  Or, I also do small group classes, fitness consulting, and you can schedule a two hour seminar for your institution. 

You can find me on Twitter, Facebook, or e-mail me directly at

Coach Rollie - 100% Steroid Free Fitness Coach

Specializing in Effective and Efficient Fat Loss
Private/Personal Fitness Training in Pasadena, California
E-mail Any Questions

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