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Free Fat Burning Workout Videos

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Want to get better results faster? Short on time? You’re going to love these professionally designed Fat X 101 workouts. 

Workouts are like recipes.  Any workout is better than not exercising at all, but just like with recipes, there are good ones, and there are great ones.  

Great recipes utilize high quality ingredients in a precise method.  Exercises are like ingredients.  High quality exercises mixed and combined correctly can get you better results faster!

Most trainers and “influencers” on social media fail in this aspect.  They generally overcomplicate workouts or go for the "cool" factor in an attempt to get “likes” and  followers. They chase what’s popular. 

Unfortunately, popular isn't always better.  A wise person once said "Better is better!"  

When I develop workouts I focus on combining exercises correctly to maximize time and effort. I pick the best of the best exercises all while keeping practicality and ease of implementation in mind.  

To make workouts even better, I employ the secret sauce. That secret sauce is utilizing the concept of synergy.  

Synergy is a big key in maximizing your time and effort. 

From the start, I created Fat X 101 to be practical, effective and efficient.  If you've done my 12 Day Fat X Program, you already know the power and effectiveness of my method.  

This section of Fat X 101 is dedicated to some of the best workouts I've designed in my professional training career that started back in 2001. They're a bonus to those that have done my 12 Day Fat X Program and a great intro to those that have not. 

Make them an addition to your workout library. Thanks to the support of Fat X 101 fans, they will be FREE on this page! Make sure to bookmark. 

I’ll continue to update.  (If any of the videos are not available, please let me know. I’ve changed video servers a few times and let’s just say that I enjoy fitness and creating helpful content, but coding….not so much.)

Feel free to e-mail me with any questions or if you need suggestion on how to set up these workouts in a weekly plan for yourself. 

Let's get to the list of the best professionally designed fat burning workouts you'll find online!  I name them so they’re easy to reference. 

Don't forget to bookmark. 

Home Buster HIIT - Let’s face it, getting to the gym can sometimes be a struggle, the good news is that a home workout can be just as good if not even better.  This workout is a Fat X 101 favorite and proves the point.   

Slam and Spin Workout  - This workout is one of my personal favorites. Especially when I'm short on time and equipment.  It includes a secret killer abs exercise.  

Wham Bam Workout - This fat burning workout is a two round set up.  It's simple, but highly effective!  It's become a fan favorite and you'll see why after you try it. 

Bermuda Triangle Workout - Want to get in a great fat burning workout but have no fitness equipment? No problem!  Try the Bermuda Triangle!  All you need is three objects to use as markers, and some space!  A park works great and I guarantee you'll but this on your list of best workouts you've ever done. 

Blast and Burn - Are you ready to step things up a bit?  Try this fat burning workout.  It's quickly become a Fat X 101 fan favorite. 

Park Bench Workout -  You don't need fancy equipment for a great fat burning workout.  I developed the "Park Bench" workout for a client that was going on vacation.  If you have access to a park bench, and some suspension straps, give it a try. 

Breaking Fit Workout -  Get yourself some suspension straps, a slam ball or sandbag and then try the Breaking Fit Workout.  It's tough, fun, and one of my most effective fat burning workouts. This fat burning workou will blast your metabolism and fire up your fat burning processes.  

The Zombie Hunter Workout - This fat burning workout is one you can easily take outdoors and have some fun with.  I shot this video in the hills just North of Pasadena.  Luckily I didn't run into any zombies, but if I did, I'd be ready....I think. Yikes! 

The Animal Workout - This is another fat burning workout you can do outdoors.  Actually, this one actually requires being outdoors unless you want to tear up your living room, or injure people at the gym.  

Battle the Beast - Have a kettlbell?  This workout is perfect for you! Are you a combat athlete (MMA, Jiu Jitsu, Boxing, Wrestling etc.) this is a must and you'll quickly reap the benefits.  My OCR athletes have also loved it so if you're doing a Tough Mudder or Spartan race, get on it! 

Fab 4 Workout - For the fat burning Fab 4 Workout, I wanted to showcase that you don't need fancy equipment or fancy exercises to get in a solid metabolism boosting workout. You can accomplish the Fab 4 with just two dumbbells or equivalent.  For three of the four exercises, you'll only require your bodyweight.  These are some of the best fat burning exercises you can do. 
Fat Burning Workouts -Workout Videos - Fat X 101
Fat on Fire -  Have you mastered some of my other fat burning workouts?  It's time to have some metabolism boosting fun! Fire up your metabolic processes with the Fat on Fire Workout! The best thing about this routine is that you get to use a tractor tire! It's a great stress reliever.  

Cali Hustle Workout - The fat burning Cali Hustle Workout is a favorite of mine when I'm limited on fitness equipment. It only requires one dumbbell and a bench. 

Terminator Abs Workout - Are you ready for an advanced abs workout?  I'm not kidding, this one is advanced and utilizes some of the best abs exercises around. Don't shy away from it,  if you've done the 12 Day Fat X Program a few times, you should be ready.  Check it out and give it a try. 

Slam and Spin -  This workout set up is very simple, yet very effective, and many have even called it fun.  I also tried a different approach to the edit, check it out and let me know what you think of the editing style.

Resistance Band Workout - This is one of my workout videos I shot when I was still rockin' the long hair.  Anyway, it features a workout and exercises that beginners can use to start on a fitness plan.  For those that are more advanced, it can be used as active rest and added to other fat burning workouts. Best of all, you only need some resistance bands. 

Release the Beast - Developing and enhancing your natural strength will plays a vital role in other aspects of fitness, especially long term fat loss or fat burning. Ultimately, the stronger you can get, the more you will be able to maximize your metabolism.  This workout is dedicated to developing and enhancing strength and uses some of the best exercises to accomplish strength development. 

The Pasadena Workout - I simple titled this workout video the Pasadena Workout because I'm a fitness coach (personal trainer) in Pasadena, and I filmed it outside the world famous Rose Bowl in Pasadena.  It's just another example on how you can create the afterburn effect with simple equipment.  The only difference in how a beginner an how someone more advanced would do the workout is the weight of the dumbbells and the speed of completion. Do your best! 

Dungeon Doom Workout -  This is an old school workout. I filmed this workout demonstration in my old garage. I used to call it the dungeon.  This workout isn't scary at all, but it can help you progress towards those fat burning goals quickly.

Better Sex Workout - This workout has become a classic.  It's one of my older workout demonstration videos shot when I was still rockin' the long hair. For this fat burning workout, all you need is a sandbag.  The heavier you make the sandbag, the more intense the exercises, workout, and afterburn effect will be.  By the way, I admit it, the title of the workout was to help get it attention, but, I do believe it will help out in the bedroom. After all, studies have shown that the more fit you are, well, you know. 

Tough Mudder Workout - This fat burning workout video  showcases some of the exercises that I used to prepare for the Tough Mudder. This is one of my tougher fat burning workouts. By the way, I'm proud to say I completed the Tough and earned my orange Tough Mudder headband in February (2013).

The Elysian Workout - This workout video is one of my favorites.  If you can find a park with a hill, it will make it more intense, but you can do it in a flat area. I made a sled with a plastic concrete mixer and some ropes.  There are other alternatives an it just takes some imagination and creativity.  If you're getting ready for the Tough Mudder, this workout video and the exercises would be another great addition to your fitness preparation.  I find it to be a fun afterburn effect creating workout. 

The Good Fella Workout - Keeping with the theme of workouts that can be done outdoors, I developed the Good Fella Workout with that in mind, plus a fun, yet challenging jump squat aspect.  This fat burning workout can be modified for beginners.  Feel free to ask me how.

The Apocalypse Workout - Photography and videography is a hobby of mine.  I'm also a big fan of apocalyptic type movies so I decided to implement some of that in this workout video. What better title for a workout that creates the afterburn effect than The Apocalypse? Anyway, this fat burning workout quickly gained popularity amongst extreme fitness enthusiasts and athletes.  So much so that in October of 2012 I turned it into a competition/challenge.  Extremed athletes, from Crossfit Gym members, to MMA fighters were invited to compete for the money and other prizes.  It was actually pretty fun hosting the event and maybe in the future I will do it again.

Two Minute Abs:  A common request I get is to put a workout together for abs (abdominal muscles). If your fat burning workout and or fitness plan is put together properly, you don't need a lot of isolation work, but there are times where isolation work can be helpful. In this workout video, I wanted to show that done properly, two minutes is enough for extra abs exercise in addition to what you're already doing.  Once again I had one of my clients, Nickii Jean model one of my rare muscle isolation workouts for abs. If your body fat is low enough, and you feel your abs need extra work, this workout will work well.  

Arms and Abs - Arm exercises and workouts is another common request.  So, in this workout video, I put together a quick workout routine and exercises you can do to add in some extra isolation work.  It features and old school drop set exercise method.  

MMA Exercises and Drills - This workout video is a bit different.  I stopped by one of the best MMA gyms in the Los Angeles area and had Sensei Joey Alvarado and one of his students, Rosanna Romero go through some of his favorite exercises and drills. These exercises and drills would be a great addition to any workout.  

The Scarface Workout -  Over a year after shooting the video with Sensei Joey, I went back to shoot a Fat X 101 style video with a simple punching bag.  I called it the Scarface because when you're into combat sports, sooner or later you're going to end up with a badge of honor (scar).  The workout has become a favorite among my MMA friends.

Dumbbell Workout Routine - In this workout video I wanted to drive home the point that you don't need fancy exercise equipment or gym to get a good afterburn effect during your fat burning workouts.  All you need is a couple of dumbbells and some space.  I went outdoors, and again had one of my clients Nickii Jean help me model the exercises you can do with simple equipment. This was actually the first time Nickii Jean appeared in one of my workout videos. 

Fat X Program Workout 10 - Day 9 of my Fat X Program is active rest day.  After that day, we kick it into full gear with fat burning workout video 10.  The workout an exercises are relatively simple, but don't mistake that for being easy!  If you're a beginner, I suggest pacing yourself and taking it slow.  Even done at a slow pace, the afterburn effect will linger long after you complete the workout.

Fat X Program Workout 12 - My Fat X Program culminates with this awesome workout!  It's a Fat X 101 fan favorite and also one of mine.  There's something special about knowing that once you finish with this workout, you have completed another Fat X Project.  It's like the last 100 meters of a race.  Even though it's difficult, mentally you can put out one last burst of energy so that you can officially complete it. 

Home Fat Burning Workout - This workout features some exercises that can be done at home with little to no exercise equipment.  It's one of my older workout videos and it still stands strong as a great choice for beginners or for an active rest workout when you're stuck at home. 

Gym Workout Routine - If you do happen to have a gym membership, but you have no clue how to start a resistance training fitness plan, here's a full body workout that includes exercises that can be done in a gym with basic equipment all gyms have. This particular workout video was filmed at One on One Fitness Center.

Two Chains Workout - The title sounds funny, but using chains as resistance is a great way to enhance the intensity of exercises within a workout.  My client Nickii Jean helped me model the exercises in this fat burning workout.  And yes, it's one of the oldie but goodie workouts where I was still rocking the pony tail

I hope you enjoy these bonus free fat burning workouts and workout videos. If you like them, you can help me and the Fat X 101 site by sharing the links. The more help I get with exposing the free tips and fitness information on the site, the less time I have to spend on that aspect of running a website, and the more time I can dedicate to putting together more free tips and bonus workout videos for you! 

Thanks for checking out Fat X 101.  If you have any fitness and diet questions, or if you need personal training (fitness coaching) and you're in the Pasadena area, feel  free to contact me.


Coach Rollie - 100% Steroid Free Fitness Coach

Specializing in Effective and Efficient Fat Loss
Private/Personal Fitness Training in Pasadena, California
E-mail Any Questions

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